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picture1_Ansys Maxwell

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File: Ansys Maxwell
intro ansys maxwell course objectives training materials for the 2 day training course on the introduction to ansys maxwell this training course covers the basics of using ansys maxwell 2d ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 22 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Intro ansys maxwell course objectives training materials for the day on introduction to this covers basics of using d and in performing magnetic electric analyses general understanding user interface as related geometry import meshing postprocessing procedure fea simulations uses accurate finite element method solve static frequency domain time varying electromagnetic fields provides solutions many types including dc conduction electrostatic optimization studies operations magnetostatic solver ws basic analysis force calculation background workshop assumes little or no prior experience principles will be demonstrated through creation a simple cylindrical symmetry discuss how set up problem description shown following picture coil slug are drawn plane rz carries current exerting vertical ferromagnetic torque generates field pointing along y axis permanent magnet middle is magnetized x hence around z generated insert design introduces electro based some examples meant without flowing con...

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