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picture1_Jacobs Ma Eemcs

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File: Jacobs Ma Eemcs
1 faculty of electrical engineering mathematics computer science asoftware development project ontology marc j f jacobs m sc thesis august 2022 supervisors dr w corbo ugulino dr j l rebelo ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 22 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Faculty of electrical engineering mathematics computer science asoftware development project ontology marc j f jacobs m sc thesis august supervisors dr w corbo ugulino l rebelo moreira ir e a folmer abstract the purpose this research was to explore possibility recommend programming lan guages and frameworks be used in software given certain set expected quality attributes information about developers team specifically while using reasoning artifact developed is on tology itself performed collaboration with judicial service justid method for design methodology defined by wieringa done following sabio pro cess develop three tools have been visual paradigm ontouml protege evaluate were as well rea soner query testing oops next two interviews one thedepartmentmanagerandasoftwaredeveloperofjustid andonewithanobjectiveontology expert found that it possible languages main stakeholder general listed re quirements met sufficiently both several improvement points noted which extend level detail ...

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