u s department of health human services section 508 guide tagging pdf s in adobe acrobat pro may 2018 pdf 508 guide hhs gov table of contents section 508 guide ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...U s department of health human services section guide tagging pdf in adobe acrobat pro may hhs gov table contents purpose introduction document properties and general settings add modify setting the language defining tab order showing title introducing tag structure locating understanding tags panel retagging a moving content finding tagged from modifying adding removing proper for common paragraphs notes headings lists figures links foreign words or phrases footnotes endnotes tables container role mapping bookmarks method checking accessibility checker saving as text editing images pages file perform ocr on scanned how to determine if is performing optical character recognition tips tricks additional resources this authors correctly documents based wcag original standards did not explicitly provide technical electronic refreshed include addition enhanced many which are also mapped current all public facing required be compliant when posted site distributed across agency used sole mean...