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picture1_Hydrogen Pdf 219134 | 35345 Item Download 2023-02-21 08-11-19

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File: Hydrogen Pdf 219134 | 35345 Item Download 2023-02-21 08-11-19
information resources alternative fuels and advanced vehicle technologies u s department of energy energy efficiency and renewable energy bringing you a prosperous future where energy is clean abundant reliable and ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Information resources alternative fuels and advanced vehicle technologies u s department of energy efficiency renewable bringing you a prosperous future where is clean abundant reliable affordable the doe through its office eere leads multi part effort to increase use in vehicles expand technolo gies that will reduce our nation dependence on petroleum imports lessen effects air pollution include natural gas ethanol methanol hydrogen electricity biodiesel liquefied also commonly called propane p series run these come all sizes body styles including passenger cars minivans pickup trucks heavy transit buses utility are available nationwide growing network public private fueling facilities other practices can increased hybrid improved idle reduction encouragement fuel economy expanded blends many businesses government agencies individual motorists choose voluntarily without mandates some see economic advan tages which often enhanced by tax incentives enacted at federal state local level ad...

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