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picture1_Biofuel Research Paper Pdf 219062 | 9 Bastos Lima

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File: Biofuel Research Paper Pdf 219062 | 9 Bastos Lima
an institutional analysis of biofuel policies and their social implications lessons from brazil india and indonesia mairon g bastos lima united nations research institute for social development occasional paper nine ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...An institutional analysis of biofuel policies and their social implications lessons from brazil india indonesia mairon g bastos lima united nations research institute for development occasional paper nine dimensions green economy sustainable may this unrisd has been produced in collaboration with the friedrich ebert stiftung fes thanks norwegian ministry foreign affairs supporting conference bringing back dimension governments denmark finland mexico south africa sweden kingdom core funding illustrations on front cover aine cassidy copyright short extracts publication be reproduced unaltered without authorization condition that source is indicated rights reproduction or translation application should made to palais des geneva switzerland welcomes such applications designations employed publications which are conformity practice presentation material therein do not imply expression any opinion whatsoever part con cerning legal status country territory city area its authorities concerning...

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