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picture1_Fuel Pdf 219057 | Storing Petrol At Home

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File: Fuel Pdf 219057 | Storing Petrol At Home
storage of petrol at home petrol must not be stored in a house flat or dwelling ideally storing petrol safety tips petrol should be kept in a shed or garage ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Storage of petrol at home must not be stored in a house flat or dwelling ideally storing safety tips should kept shed garage that is separated from the do smoke when using this leaflet intended for people who use store it gives some general advice on how to containers only well ventilated never fill tank an internal combustion engine small quantities safely private motor secure outbuilding away living accomodation and all inside building fumes are explosive vehicles lawn mowers generators other domestic sources ignition such as fires lights any electrical points narcotic sockets fuse boxes fuel engined appliance machinery guide sets out what safe legal whilst hot spilt surfaces comes keeping children allowed have access exhaust pipe could spontaneously ignite fire lighting refreshing always remember dangerous so keep medium vapour can flash back means operatives put unsuitable plastic will dissolve petroleum highly inflammable toxic there if you want then right them metal approved limi...

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