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picture1_Biofuels Pdf 219050 | Sr Biofuels En

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File: Biofuels Pdf 219050 | Sr Biofuels En
en 2016 no 18 special report the eu system for the certification of sustainable biofuels european court of auditors european court of auditors 12 rue alcide de gasperi 1615 luxembourg ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...En no special report the eu system for certification of sustainable biofuels european court auditors rue alcide de gasperi luxembourg tel enquiries eca europa pages contactform aspx website twitter euauditorseca more information on union is available internet http publications office print isbn issn doi qj ab c pdf n epub e reproduction authorised provided source acknowledged printed in pursuant to article second subparagraph tfeu audit team s reports set out results its performance and compliance audits specific budgetary areas or management topics selects designs these tasks be maximum impact by considering risks level income spending involved forthcoming developments political public interest this was produced chamber i headed member kersti kaljulaid which specialises preservation natural resources led jan kinst then taken over bettina jakobsen at final stage supported alejandro ballester gallardo head his private bernard moya attache davide lingua principal manager krzysztof zalega...

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