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...Pythontutorial release guidovanrossum fred l drake jr editor april pythonsoftwarefoundation email docs python org contents whettingyourappetite using the interpreter invoking theinterpreter and its environment aninformalintroductiontopython as a calculator first steps towards programming morecontrolflowtools ifstatements forstatements therange function breakandcontinuestatements andelseclausesonloops passstatements deningfunctions moreondeningfunctions intermezzo coding style datastructures moreonlists thedelstatement tuples sequences sets dictionaries looping techniques moreonconditions comparing other types modules moreonmodules standard thedir packages input output fancier formatting reading writing files errors exceptions syntax handling i raising user dened deningclean up actions predened clean classes awordaboutnamesandobjects scopes namespaces afirst look at randomremarks inheritance...