development of the non co2 ghg emissions database for the gtap 10a data base by maksym chepeliev1 research memorandum no 32 may 20202 1 research economist at the center for ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Development of the non co ghg emissions database for gtap a data base by maksym chepeliev research memorandum no may economist at center global trade analysis purdue university email mchepeli edu i am grateful comments provided angel aguiar dominique van der mensbrugghe erwin corong and jim mcfarland this is an updated version from february key updates include use warming potentials gwps ipcc s fourth assessment report ar compared to applied earlier reporting land activities minor changes mappings between emission drivers sources abstract purpose note document steps used develop greenhouse gas are reported three types ghgs ch methane n o nitrous oxide group fluorinated gases f cover four reference years faostat dataset sourcing agricultural edgar v databases source each flow associated with one sets output industries endowment input consumption households separately without association jel classification c d q keywords computable general equilibrium contents introduction treatment over...