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picture1_Tutorial Pdf 218344 | 192398 Id None

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File: Tutorial Pdf 218344 | 192398 Id None
pengembangan multimedia tutorial interaktif microsoft office word mata pelajaran teknologi informasi dan komunikasi sekolah menengah pertama di pesawaran oleh dini istika ngadimun eko suyanto fkip unila jl prof dr sumantri ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 21 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Pengembangan multimedia tutorial interaktif microsoft office word mata pelajaran teknologi informasi dan komunikasi sekolah menengah pertama di pesawaran oleh dini istika ngadimun eko suyanto fkip unila jl prof dr sumantri brojonegoro no bandar lampung e mail bunda alghifari yahoo com abstract the development of interactive tutorials in subject information and communication technology junior high school this study aimed to produce products that fulfilled criteria a good instructional media including material presentation find out effectiveness an on learning determine efficiency attractiveness kind research was conducted smp negeri gedongtataan data were collected with evaluation sheet for design expert experts performance tests questionnaires analysis used descriptive t results had required effectively improved student achievement average value outcomes materials creating simple document using savings time ratio more than program attraction proven improve motivation stay task keywords...

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