css tutorial for eng 2895 this is how comments are written in a style sheet notice the symbols alongside it are different than in html next up open a new ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Css tutorial for eng this is how comments are written in a style sheet notice the symbols alongside it different than html next up open new document text wrangler or notepad and save as sample folder now copy following but with no need to my they just here help you along body background color ccdff above way of telling an existing tag act we setting can tell any pre wrapper border top px dashed bottom margin auto padding width eee h font family helvetica verdana sans serif size pt weight bold orange align center p img float left first set tells div where your two specific within all tags that live will have styles doesn t not same lives other b breathe helvetice line height instances examples class indicated by occur numerous times could apply paragraph wanted example only used span meaning s part whole navlist li display inline list type none right styling file again remember go browser see what has changed...