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icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Summary on environmental impact assessment report of shribajrang chemical distillery limited proposed grain based plant capacity x klpd and mw co generation power at bhimbori village berla tehsil bemetara district chhattisgarh submitted to environment conservation board project description is in khasara nos the total land for ha acres cost estimated rs crores out this owned by commodity which a sister concern unit our group agreement has been entered between ltd purchase said landvide dated agreements sale under process most private regards application before state government its acquisition also involved an allocation govt as per ministry forest climate change notification s o e th june plants with more than are classified category order obtain clearance form tor along pre feasibility have moef cc new delhi vide proposal no ia cg ind date nd april subsequently standard letter issued j ii i may draft eia prepared incorporating stipulated pioneer enviro laboratories consultants hyderaba...

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