issn 2319 8753 international journal of innovative research in science engineering and technology iso 3297 2007 certified organization vol 2 issue 8 august 2013 synthesis of liquid hydrocarbons by fischer ...
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...Issn international journal of innovative research in science engineering and technology iso certified organization vol issue august synthesis liquid hydrocarbons by fischer tropsch process using industrial iron catalyst hanif a choudhury vijayanand s moholkar doctoral candidate center for energy indian institute guwahati assam india professor head department chemical abstract f t is an efficient to synthesize transportation fuel as well other valuable chemicals this associated with hydrogenation carbon monoxide gas presence transition metal fuels reaction essentially catalytic most widely used catalysts are either or cobalt based preferred when substiochimetric syngas h co molar ration less than also known producer chosen feed stock the deficiency can be met water shift wgs normally inactive hence ratio higher work we have studied synthesizing at different processing conditions parameters fixed bed reactor was fabricated indigenously physical properties were xrd bet tpr study whereas p...