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picture1_Fuel Pdf 217911 | Unit 3

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File: Fuel Pdf 217911 | Unit 3
unit 3 types of fuels and their types of fuels and their characteristics characteristics structure 3 1 introduction objectives 3 2 principles of classification of fuels 3 3 solid fuels ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Unit types of fuels and their characteristics structure introduction objectives principles classification solid woods coals manufactured liquid petroleum its gaseous natural gas gases summary key words answers to saqs fuel is a substance which when burnt i e on coming in contact reacting with oxygen or air produces heat thus the substances classified as must necessarily contain one several combustible elements carbon hydrogen sulphur etc process combustion chemical energy converted into utilize most usable form it required transform from state another some other via single many stages this way can be utilized more effectively efficiently for various purposes after studying you should able describe explain know applications fields may broadly two ways according physical they exist nature b mode procurement applied thermal none these classifications however gives an idea qualitative intensive value engineering power developing intensity calorimetric temperature under normal condition use...

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