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picture1_Fuel Pdf 217719 | 40c55307942b58028c02e86bd4606e83

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File: Fuel Pdf 217719 | 40c55307942b58028c02e86bd4606e83
quality analysis of refused derived fuel as alternative fuels in the cement industry and its evaluation on production kuntum khoiro ummatin qurrotin a m o arifianti aulia hani yulis annissa ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Quality analysis of refused derived fuel as alternative fuels in the cement industry and its evaluation on production kuntum khoiro ummatin qurrotin a m o arifianti aulia hani yulis annissa department engineering management universitas internasional semen indonesia increasing population followed by abstract rdf an from municipal solid waste msw is still required amount it becomes serious problem if there besides has high calorific value more no program to energy economical price than coal also able solve solution for that will increase approximately tons reduce co emissions one per year processed become srf industries developed various refuse products are suitable materials use including rice husk works power sectors coconut fiber which into this research focuses two purpose study investigate contribute standard accordance with needs low group groups evaluate process paper plastic joule gram function development qfd method used determine inorganic such fine glass wet organic matter par...

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