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picture1_Fuel Pdf 217703 | Cy8151 Engineering Chemistry 1908708516 Unit 4

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File: Fuel Pdf 217703 | Cy8151 Engineering Chemistry 1908708516 Unit 4
fuels and combustion 4 1 unit iv fuels and combustion fuels introduction classification of fuels coal analysis of coal proximate and ultimate carbonization manufacture of metallurgical coke otto hoffmann method ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Fuels and combustion unit iv introduction classification of coal analysis proximate ultimate carbonization manufacture metallurgical coke otto hoffmann method petroleum synthetic petrol bergius process knocking octane number diesel oil cetane natural gas compressed cng liquefied gases lpg power alcohol biodiesel calorific value higher lower values theoretical calculation ignition temperature spontaneous explosive range flue orsat chapter the various types like liquid solid gaseous are available for firing in boilers furnaces other equipments selection right type fuel depends on factors such as availability storage handling pollution landed cost knowledge properties helps selecting purpose efficient use following characteristics determined by laboratory tests generally used assessing nature quality chemical it is two i primary occurs ex ii secondary derived from gasoline chemistryy primmary orr fuuel or naturaal ssolid wwood crude ppeat llignite ccoal ddung secoondary deerived seecondar...

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