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picture1_Fuel Pdf 217690 | 3150509

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File: Fuel Pdf 217690 | 3150509
gujarat technological university bachelor of engineering subject code 3150509 semester v subject name fuels and combustion type of course open elective corse prerequisite material and energy balance calculations rationale fuels ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Gujarat technological university bachelor of engineering subject code semester v name fuels and combustion type course open elective corse prerequisite material energy balance calculations rationale introduces basic knowledge about solid liquid gaseous their origin classification preparation procedure characterization in terms physico chemical properties coal being the main fossil its mining cleaning processes covered detail petroleum is fuel which elaborated exploration evaluation distillation secondary processing different important are also included it covers fundamentals along with appliances emphasis given to various considering thermodynamics discussed technology section advance topics like continuous industrial furnaces oxy rich incorporated for wide exposure realising importance teaching examination scheme credits marks total l t p c theory practical ese e pa m i content sr no hrs introduction types history production present scenario consumption pattern fundamental definitions...

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