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picture1_Production Technology Pdf 217646 | 9 Item Download 2023-02-20 19-30-06

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File: Production Technology Pdf 217646 | 9 Item Download 2023-02-20 19-30-06
food technology cold press in oil extraction a review bura cakalolu vasfiye hazal ozyurt semih otle ege university bornova izmir turkey abstract keywords introduction the aim of this review is ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 20 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Food technology cold press in oil extraction a review bura cakalolu vasfiye hazal ozyurt semih otle ege university bornova izmir turkey abstract keywords introduction the aim of this is to explain working principle machine and discuss effect efficiency advantages disadvantages by means were explained referring other methods material method from oilseeds investigated for study studies related with examined comparison used article history production oily seeds was compiled results discussion one received mechanical as well required revised form less energy than techniques also environmental friendly it extract range accepted matrices produced especially high quality oils can be obtained performing at low temperatures using has an environmentally use no solvents words does not involve either heat or chemical soybean corresponding author sunflower rapeseed corn grapeseed hemp flaxseed rice bran olive pumpkin moreover these are interesting e mail consumers due their natural safe prevent otl...

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