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File: Generalagriculture
bachelor of science b s agriculture general agriculture option suggested schedule freshman year semester 1 semester 2 course title credit hours course title credit hours english english engl 1013 composition ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 17 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Bachelor of science b s agriculture general option suggested schedule freshman year semester course title credit hours english engl composition i ii acts equivalent college algebra principles field math agro crops education intro to biological art or mus fine arts biol lab requirement psychology psy soc sociology ansc animal equivalents psyc agri elective orientation public speaking comm spch sophomore agec agricultural ento applied economics entomology world history chemistry hist since chem hort feeds and feeding horticulture psci political literature junior soils botany biology farm management cereal fiber oilseed agen soil water conservation plant horse production pathology forage policy senior statistical methods poultry technical writing reproduction animals commodity seminar marketing environmental finance mgmt beef introduction weed...

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