File: Production Technology Pdf 216171 | Da News 8 12 2020 05
farmer groups rake in profits through greenhouse farming in a bid to boost productivity farmer groups in benguet and mountain province are embracing greenhouse technology through fund support from the ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 17 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Farmer groups rake in profits through greenhouse farming a bid to boost productivity benguet and mountain province are embracing technology fund support from the department of agriculture s philippine rural development project da prdp with primary aim augmenting farmers income due onslaught typhoon calamities five years ago were able implement sustain their micro enterprise subprojects on vegetable cut flower production under areas including existing structures damaged by henceforth sub projects implemented i reap component provide sustainable generating activities whose livelihoods affected said jocelyn w beray head cordillera established seedlings vegetables flowers for some materials such as polyethylene sheets gi pipes along other turned over them rehabilitate greenhouses while proposed establishment rehabilitation opted propose livelihood enterprises farm mechanization cattle fattening swine raising among others aside providing assistance restore that also seek increase food secur...