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...Chapter factorial experiments contents introduction concepts and denitions thetwo factorfactorial experiment specic comparisons quantitative factors noreplications three or more summary exercises example whatmakesawiringharnesslastlonger many electrical wiring harnesses such as those used in automobiles air planes are subject to considerable stress therefore it is important design prolongtheir useful life the objective of this inves tigate affecting failure an harness strands numberof strandsin wire levels slack length unsoldered uninsulated gage areciprocalmeasureofthediameterofthewire levelsare theresponse cycles number s statistical methods doi b elsevierinc allrights reserved factorialexperiments table a numberofstrands note adaptedfrom enrick completely randomized with two independent sam ples for each combination that total factor see what these maximizes data given which shows cyclestofailurewerereportedforslack andgage source we presented methodology comparing means populations...