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picture1_Non Experimental Research Design Pdf 215683 | Bab Iii

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File: Non Experimental Research Design Pdf 215683 | Bab Iii
chapter iii research methodology 1 1 research design this research is a quasi experimental study the pre test post test non equivalent group design cohen l manion l morrison k ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 17 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Chapter iii research methodology design this is a quasi experimental study the pre test post non equivalent group cohen l manion morrison k state that one of most commonly used designs in educational similar term nonrandomized comparison specifically termed as pretest posttest ary jacobs razavich and sorensen multiple two questions were addressed to explore effects mobile phone technology towards students involvement learning english at language center uin suska riau selected for because following factors administrative constraints by elementary schools do not allow random selection b based on real condition it realistic conduct true due complexity human behavior difficulty defining various variables involved hatch farhady c can reflect what happens life settings without any disruption set up therefore eliminates artificiality existing experiments also shows ecological validity such strong bryman pelham blanton d results argues still compelling particularly prominent evaluation studies...

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