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picture1_Quasi Experimental Research Pdf 215639 | Slide Psg102 Psg102 Slide 03

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File: Quasi Experimental Research Pdf 215639 | Slide Psg102 Psg102 Slide 03
03 strategi penelitian non eksperimental kuliah 03 penelitian kuantitatif statistik deskriptif aries yulianto s psi m si c h a p t e r 10 the nonexperimental and quasi experimental ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 17 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Strategi penelitian non eksperimental kuliah kuantitatif statistik deskriptif aries yulianto s psi m si c h a p t e r the nonexperimental and quasi experimental strategies research compare groups of scores like true experiments but do not manipulate an independent variable to create these two have internal validity cannot establish unambiguous cause effect relationships quasiexperimental studies make some attempt minimize threats whereas typically structure designs general categories between subjects also known as nonequivalent group within pre post for individual differences...

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