File: Experimental Psychology Pdf 215623 | Howakaha99
journal of experimental psychology learning memory cognition copyright 1999 by the american pscyhological association inc 1999 vol 25 no 4 923 941 0278 7393 99 3 00 contextual variability and ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 17 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Journal of experimental psychology learning memory cognition copyright by the american pscyhological association inc vol no contextual variability and serial position effects in free recall marcw howardandmichaelj kahana volen center for complex systems brandeis university immediate words recalled successively tend to come from nearby po sitions m j documented this effect showed that tendency which authors refer as lag recency is well described a variant search associative sam model g w raaijmakers r shiffrin experiments participants performed delayed continuous distractor under conditions designed minimize rehearsal previously observed was also althoughtwo storemodelsoffreerecall like readilyaccountfortheend list its attenuation after period distraction these models fail account end means analytic simulations show both across all can be explained byasingle store context retrieved with each item serves cue subsequent recalls have different on prerecency items therecencyeffectrefers dec...