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...Chick fil a chicken sandwiches chargrilled deluxe filet club sandwich no bun pickles butter sauce serving size oz g per container calories from fat dv total saturated trans cholesterol mg sodium carb dietary fiber sugars protein vitamin c calcium iron percentage daily values are based upon calorie diet figures listed average and federal regulations have been used for rounding of nutritional data our menu offers variety great tasting products that fit into balanced healthy ingredients natural whole breast seasoning salt monosodium glutamate sugar spices paprika seasoned coater enriched bleached flour nonfat milk leavening spice soybean oil color which meets or exceeds government requirements analysis wash water powdered egg solids peanut fully refined with tbhq citric acid added to preserve freshness dimethylpolysiloxane an anti foaming agent we regularly monitor changes in methods cucumbers vinegar contains less than the following chloride alum benzoate potassium sorbate flavors polyso...