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File: Cc1866en
y executive summar y executive summar y executive summar y data collection and analysis tools for food security and nutrition executive summartowards enhancing effective inclusive y evidence informed decision making ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 17 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Y executive summar data collection and analysis tools for food security nutrition summartowards enhancing effective inclusive evidence informed decision making hlpe cover photo wfp muna abdelhakim a little girl is being tested malnutrition with mid upper arm circumference test muac this summary of the report towards by high level panel experts on fsn has been approved steering committee views expressed do not necessarily reflect official world its members participants or secretariat mention specific companies products manufacturers whether these have patented does imply that endorsed recommended in preference to others similar nature are mentioned made publicly available reproduction dissemination encouraged non commercial uses will be authorized free charge upon request resale other purposes including educational may incur fees applications permission reproduce disseminate should addressed e mail copyright fao org copy cfs referencing rome foreword he science policy interface foremost...

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