Understanding Cooperatives: Agricultural Marketing Cooperatives Cooperative Information Report 45, Section 15 Marketing cooperatives are found in processing products for the consumer or industrial markets. every region of the United States Marketing cooperatives enable produc- United States and handle most types of farm ers to 1) correct market failure where prices Department of are too low or buyers have left the market; Agriculture product. 2) provide a service not available other- Rural Development wise; 3) gain market power (negotiating power) against much larger buyers; 4) Rural Business spread risks and costs; and 5) have and Cooperative enough volume to operate a ...
3.4.2 FARMING STRUCTURE (1) Management Form of Farming Unit In the Study Area, there are three types of management of farming unit, i.e., cooperative, enterprise and individual private farm (SHR). In addition, there are a lot of small gardens. People carry on their private farming activity on a small scale but they are distinguished from the registered farms such as SHR. Most of the cooperatives have been changed to commercial enterprises and individual farmers in the Study Area so far. There is one (1) agricultural cooperative, which is reported to be undergoing liquidation at the moment, eleven ...