AVOCADO FARMING Introduction Avocado is an important commercial fruit in Kenya both for local and export markets. The fruit is highly nutritious - rich in proteins and cholesterol free. Both large-scale growers and small-scale farmers cultivate it. The fruit is also a source of minerals e.g. magnesium, phosphorous, calcium & potassium and vitamins e.g. A, B1, B2, B6, C & D needed for a healthy diet. In addition to being used as food, the fruit is gaining a wide use in cosmetics too. Common varieties grown in Kenya Hass: It is one of the popular varieties ...
Avocado Farming with High-Priced Water. Can It Remain Profitable? Water prices in San Diego County continue to increase and there is no end in sight, especially with periodic drought years and California losing some share of its Colorado River water. It is easy to see the response from growers; water is being turned off in many of our districts leaving acres and acres of dying trees. The water districts get nervous because there is not enough money coming in to cover their fixed costs, so they raise the price of water. And, they raise it again. The math is simple ...