national early warning score and associated education programme case study 2 case study 2 facilitator card case 2 post op the important things to get across in this case are ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 17 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...National early warning score and associated education programme case study facilitator card post op the important things to get across in this are recognise that patient is deteriorating pulse blood pressure trends on observation chart simple management iv cannula fluids oxygen working out for themselves what going with use escalation flow communicate using isbar presents increasing pain day due internal bleeding requires a return theatre volume has decreased leading cardiac output resulting urinary hypotension bp x total peripheral resistance heart rate hr increased because stroke fallen compensatory increase maintain respiratory either or lactic acidosis from inadequate delivery do arterial o content ews pca demands amounts over past hours fluid balance decreasing nasogastric aspirate bloods hb down hct urea creatinine elevated medication prescription fasting hasn t had perindopril oral prednisone replaced hydrocortisone regular paracetamol given scenario will smith aim operative hea...