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File: Paper004
an evidence based review of e hrm and strategic human re source management janet h marler university at albany state university of new york usa marler albany edu sandra l ...

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...An evidence based review of e hrm and strategic human re source management janet h marler university at albany state new york usa edu sandra l fisher clarkson sfisher abstract one stated purpose electronic resource is to make the entire function more goal this paper examine recent research in evaluate cumulated on relationship between provide guidance practitioners researchers specifically we a hr direction resources or contexts important for exist studies published from using integrative synthesis as our methodology results reveal that few empirical have explicitly examined issues less than half are macro level analysis which key distinguishing feature conducted domain furthermore most only examines perceived effectiveness none directly other outcomes highlights need keywords hris introduction both relatively streams literature emerged about years ago early begin appearing around interestingly invoke potentially transformational role within organizations scholars focus such organizati...

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