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picture1_Non Experimental Research Design Pdf 214166 | Bab 3 Item Download 2023-02-16 23-58-02

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File: Non Experimental Research Design Pdf 214166 | Bab 3 Item Download 2023-02-16 23-58-02
chapter iii research method this part deals with the description or method subject variables and their operational definition instrument and procedure of collecting data as well as technique of data ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Chapter iii research method this part deals with the description or subject variables and their operational definition instrument procedure of collecting data as well technique analysis a type study uses experimental methods can be defined used to locate particular influence one another in conditions completely sugiyono quantitative that have characteristics especially presence control group methodology order find out answer quasi according is design had but may not work fully outer affect theexecutionof non equivalent class researcher chooses places classes randomly random assignment individuals experiment taught reading by using computer while teaching without call illustratedas follows e x c where o pre test post treatment for adapted from gay b variabels hatch farhady are attributes person object has variation other kerlinger states variable construct properties will studied based on above it formulated an attribute nature value activity which certain variations researchers learn t...

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