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picture1_Rice Cultivation Pdf 213953 | N003182cp

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File: Rice Cultivation Pdf 213953 | N003182cp
rice cultivation environmental issues and water saving approaches 1 ragab ragab introduction globally rice is the most important food crop with more than 90 produced in asia in most of ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Rice cultivation environmental issues and water saving approaches ragab introduction globally is the most important food crop with more than produced in asia of asian countries not only staple but also a source employment income for rural communities several provides to energy protein dietary requirements moreover many latin american caribbean rapid growing some african nigeria as major importer represents about percent all irrigated areas where fao demand year projected be around million ton milled being component production producing less therefore formidable challenge there will great difficulties increase area due competition land from both industrialization urbanization activities its high productivity makes up approximately total known consuming consumes billion m this consumption results low use efficiency ha assuming an average yield t kg non competitive other uses irrigation surface by far widespread technique it includes paddy crops which are rainfed worldwide estimated india...

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