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File: Smart Farming Pdf 213836 | 4419 13301 1 Pb
p issn 2598 1218 volume 4 nomor 3 tahun 2021 e issn 2598 1226 doi 10 31604 jpm v4i3 1035 1040 pelatihan teknologi smart farming dan budidaya hidroponik sebagai upaya ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...P issn volume nomor tahun e doi jpm vi pelatihan teknologi smart farming dan budidaya hidroponik sebagai upaya menjaga ketahanan pangan di masa pandemi kelurahan masigit kota cilegon shofiatul ula nustin merdiana dewantari ipick setiawan raka irawan muhammad hisyam jurusan teknik mesin fakultas universitas sultan ageng tirtayasa industri shofi untirta ac id abstract the current covid pandemic not only brings problems to public health but it also has far reaching implications including those in food sectors that could interfere with national security provinces cities districts and families this partner community outreach activities for partnerships is people of rt rw jombang city problem lives dense settlements no vast lawns a land farmland run by using technology these services are giving information on hydroponic ordinances through training products produced activity vegetable plants harvested hydroponics implement methods used shed can improve knowledge materials work systems do ensu...

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