agricultural credit meaning definition need and classification definition credit is obtaining control over the use of money at the present time in exchange for a promise to repay it at ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Agricultural credit meaning definition need and classification is obtaining control over the use of money at present time in exchange for a promise to repay it some future also defined as device facilitating temporary transfer purchasing power from those who have surpluses are thus involves wealth amount investment funds made available production resources outside farm sector finance considered separate field study dealing with lending borrowing by organizations farmers hopkin et al referred means acquiring assets ownership cash purchase or leasing custom hiring warren f lee economic acquisition capital agriculture deals supply demand agricul tural an economy according william g murray organization operation agencies society s interest branch economics which provision management services financial related individual units can be obtained off sources on repayable agreed either explicitly implicitly i not meant merely more but raise productivity ii mere loan advance instrument promote we...