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picture1_Agricultural Pdf 213745 | 43177295

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Agricultural Pdf 213745 | 43177295

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...View metadata citation and similar papers at core ac uk brought to you by provided unisa institutional repository factors affecting agricultural production in tigray region northern ethiopia bihon kassa abrha submitted accordance with the requirement for degree of doctor literature philosophy subject development studies university south africa supervisor prof esther kibuka sebitosi july student number declaration i declare that this phd thesis entitled is my own work all sources have used or quoted been indicated acknowledged means complete references also has not before any other institution date ii p a g e dedication study dedicated parents amete temelso tekle iii acknowledgments first would like express sincere thanks almighty god his love benevolence forgiveness generosity am sincerely heartily grateful professor support scientific guidance she showed me throughout writing sure it possible without her unreserved help encouragement gives great pleasure present got from bureau agricu...

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