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picture1_Agriculture Pdf Notes 213669 | Cbse Class 10 Social Science Geography Chapter 4 Notes

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File: Agriculture Pdf Notes 213669 | Cbse Class 10 Social Science Geography Chapter 4 Notes
revision notes class 10 social science geography chapter 4 agriculture agriculture an age old economic activity about two thirds of our population is engaged in agriculture agriculture not only produces ...

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...Revision notes class social science geography chapter agriculture an age old economic activity about two thirds of our population is engaged in not only produces grains but also raw materials for many industries types farming varies from subsistence to commercial type at present the following systems are practiced primitive it called slash and burn this majorly on small patches using tools like hoe dao digging sticks family community labor involved nature plays a significant role production depends upon fertility monsoon suitability other environmental conditions first patch land cleared then food crops grown after soil decreases they shift another which allows previous replenish nutrients new fertile plantation no modern equipment or advanced techniques used intensive usually areas where there high pressure various biochemical inputs irrigation aid x www vedantu com doses yielding variety hyv seeds fertilizers insecticides pesticides rice crop haryana single over large area india tea ...

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