File: Soil Management Pdf 213652 | Departmentwise Horticulture Ug Syllabus
b sc hort hons syllabus of faculty of horticulture uttar banga krishi viswavidyalaya semesterwise course distribution first term course no title credit ssc 101 introduction to soil science 2 1 ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...B sc hort hons syllabus of faculty horticulture uttar banga krishi viswavidyalaya semesterwise course distribution first term no title credit ssc introduction to soil science gpb crop physiology ppt fundamentals plant propagation and nursery management ext extension education pcp growth development crops vsc tropical subtropical vegetables ag communications skills in english physical second ast statistics elements computer application ent parasitic nematode their fruits food technology principles genetics cytogenetics ppa pathology introductory microbiology eco economics water third temperate fam ornamental ii bch biochemistry entomology breeding potato tuber aen farm power machinery renewable energy national service scheme nss nc fourth spices condiments commercial floriculture plantation orchard mushroom culture for environmental insect ecology integrated pest including beneficial i fifth agr organic farming major field agroforestry apiculture post harvest horticultural biotechnology...