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picture1_Agricultural Pdf 213518 | Agriculture Notes S2 Spdf

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File: Agricultural Pdf 213518 | Agriculture Notes S2 Spdf
agriculture notes o level kakungulu memorial school kibuli 2019 1 importance of agriculture is a source of raw materials used industries e g cotton for textile industries hides and skins ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Agriculture notes o level kakungulu memorial school kibuli importance of is a source raw materials used industries e g cotton for textile hides and skins leather in industry sugarcane sugar it provides employment both indirectly like agricultural officers farm managers accountants working institutions income to the farmer through sale products food rural urban human population government revenue taxation can be improve social services health education foreign exchange exports energy other purposes baggase waste from manufacture producing electricity trade between countries bring about international relation tourist attraction problems uganda pest diseases these attacks crops animals leading low yields most destructive crop today are coffee wilt cassava mosaic banana bacterial serious foot mouth nagana contiguous abortions poor transport communication feeder roads areas seasonally hence affecting transportation our market during rainy season natural disasters long drought floods cause d...

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