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picture1_Modern Agriculture Pdf 213463 | Base Paper Organic Farming  Base 16 03 2015

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File: Modern Agriculture Pdf 213463 | Base Paper Organic Farming Base 16 03 2015
base paper on organic farming organic farming aims for human welfare without harming the environment and follows the principles of health ecology fairness and care for all including soil the ...

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...Base paper on organic farming aims for human welfare without harming the environment and follows principles of health ecology fairness care all including soil modern concept combines tradition innovation science although history states that movement way life recognized in it could gain ground after realizing ill effects agriculture late s british botanist sir albert howard often referred to as father documented traditional indian practices came regard them superior conventional during japan masanobu fukuoka a microbiologist working plant pathology quit job research scientist returned his family farm devoted next years develop radical no till method growing grain now known many other such rishi krishi natueco homa panchagavya bio dynamic are associated with reports indicates can minimize energy consumption by per unit land eliminating required manufacture synthetic fertilizers pesticides using internal inputs thus reducing fuel used transportation india emerge global leader due presence...

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