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picture1_Agricultural Pdf 213427 | I4396e

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File: Agricultural Pdf 213427 | I4396e
barriers incentives and benefits in the adoption of climate smart agriculture lessons from the micca pilot project in kenya background report 9 barriers incentives and benefits in the adoption of ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Barriers incentives and benefits in the adoption of climate smart agriculture lessons from micca pilot project kenya background report programme enhancing agricultural mitigation within east africa dairy development eadd morgon c mutoko janie rioux josephine kirui food organization united nations rome conclusions given this information product are considered appropriate at time its preparation designations employed presentation material do not imply expression any opinion whatsoever on part fao concerning legal or status country territory city area authorities delimitation frontiers boundaries mention specific companies products manufacturers whether these have been patented does that endorsed recommended by preference to others a similar nature mentioned views expressed those author s necessarily reflect policies encourages use reproduction dissemination except where otherwise indicated may be copied downloaded printed for private study research teaching purposes non commercial servic...

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