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picture1_Sustainable Agriculture Pdf 213425 | I3506e

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File: Sustainable Agriculture Pdf 213425 | I3506e
cover policies 19 final 2 pdf 1 19 11 2013 14 17 02 issn 1020 4555 policy support guidelines for the promotion of sustainable production intensication and ecosystem services integrated ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Cover policies final pdf issn policy support guidelines for the promotion of sustainable production intensication and ecosystem services integrated crop management vol conservation agriculture is actually applied on about world s cropland adoption growing fast however it not enough to face challenges ahead such as need eradicate hunger food insecurity a population address threats climate change land servicesintensication environmental degradation resource scarcity increasing cost c inputs energy m strategy being implemented through y spread faster needs only cm accurate application concept principles but also my supportive that can facilitate cy reward adopters example with payments cmy k this publication provides guidance well protocols which would be needed schemes based actual eld experiences fao giz in different regions directed specically decision makers governments designing implementing agricultural regulations development isbn ie intensification plant protection division organi...

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