File: Agricultural Pdf 213384 | E3sconf Iconard2021 02016
e3s web of conferences 316 02016 2021 https doi org 10 1051 e3sconf 202131602016 iconard 2021 analysis of garlic commodity competitiveness and impact of government policy in indonesia 1 2 ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Es web of conferences https doi org esconf iconard analysis garlic commodity competitiveness and impact government policy in indonesia saptana atika dyah perwita syahrul ganda sukmaya indonesian center for agricultural socio economic studies bogor universitas islam negeri walisongo semarang faculty tarbiyah teacher training jenderal soedirman agriculture purwokerto abstract s is currently developing commodities several areas highland dry land production centres to reduce dependence on imports from domestic needs this paper aims analyse the benefits farming financially private economically social both perspective competitive advantage comparative review system formulate incentive policies development method was conducted using matrix pam see position globally study area includes cianjur regency west java karang anyar central pasuruan east lombok nusa tenggara results showed that profitable but less or not has a no value drcr shows does have producing implication if continues imported it...