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picture1_Livestock Farming Pdf 213337 | 125937934

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File: Livestock Farming Pdf 213337 | 125937934
advances in engineering research volume 194 5th international conference on food agriculture and natural resources fanres 2019 analyses of factors affecting the production of broiler chickens in ternate 1 2 ...

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...Advances in engineering research volume th international conference on food agriculture and natural resources fanres analyses of factors affecting the production broiler chickens ternate nurdiyanawati djumadil yunus syafie department agribusines faculty university khairun indonesia animal husbandary corresponden author e mail diyana waty yahoo co id abstract a rising interest protein consumption produced from north maluku has stimulated development chicken farms across region however farmers have been facing big challenge developing their small businesses due to costly present study aimed at observing whether or not that influence an investigation was conducted farming system developed by regionaltechnical implementation unit for agribusiness livestock july september reason selecting this area as site farm utilized modern technology business its own feed interview collect data observed consisted use day old doc house antibiotic labor operational cost were then analyzed using multiple l...

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