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picture1_Agricultural Pdf 213263 | Lampiran Ii 9

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File: Agricultural Pdf 213263 | Lampiran Ii 9
2014 international conference on information communication technology and system 2014 international conference on information communication technology and system building a future farm management information system fmis the case of australia ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 16 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...International conference on information communication technology and system building a future farm management fmis the case of australia wahyudi agustiono department informatics engineering faculty trunojoyo university jl raya telang po box kamal bangkalan east java indonesia phone email monash edu abstract in countries with intensive marketed as implications opportunity to keep high levels farming activities agricultural industries are systems up date consistent changes users coming under increased pressure demonstrate environmental farmers needs industry cannot be taken accurately furthermore low uptake among lead developing various is not surprising could have been predicted productivity while reducing impacts nevertheless existing criticized being ii overly complex interests many also unable provide enhancements address both change definition its unique features requirements practices demand potential benefits from using this study defined an inter organisational marginalized even ...

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