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picture1_Agricultural Pdf 213171 | Pnabd951

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File: Agricultural Pdf 213171 | Pnabd951
linkages between agriculture and the overall economy wuml islam reprinted from the changing dynamics of procoeding from globalagricufture sponisored a seminar held 22 28 september 1988 by inten iational service ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Linkages between agriculture and the overall economy wuml islam reprinted from changing dynamics of procoeding globalagricufture sponisored a seminar held september by inten iational service german foundaton for national agricultural research technical internaticnal development centre rural cooperation edited emil javier ulif renborg rsprint no nurul international food policy nstitute washington dc iu an are nonagricultural sectors varied they operate through intersectoral movement ofproduction factors many such as labor capital well goods services with increased productivity reduced requirements per unit output tends to move out especially when population is increasing in most developin countries percentage engaged which often exceeds gross domestic that contributed usually low however developing recent years proportion has tended decline not so much response but rather result pressure poverty unemployment also growth sector generates surpluses contribute expanding investment either f...

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