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picture1_Agricultural Pdf 213170 | Pdaaz413

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File: Agricultural Pdf 213170 | Pdaaz413
a  project  proposal  regional  sorghum  and  for  ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...A project proposal regional sorghum and for pearl millet improvement program southern africa sadcc countries submitted to usaid harare contribution the agricultural asa of african research development programs coordination conference d icrisat international crops institute semi arid tropics patancheru p o andhra pradesh india with collaboration intsormil management entity collaborative support in crsp lincoln nebraska usa june this was developed by following staff l r house leader j andrews millets brhane gebrekidan coordinator east m von oppen economics e w nunn station manager g gunasekera principal soil scientist cooperative oswalt head training c jackson director int cooperation s krishnan senior administrative officer suggestions are recognised leng teetes professor entomology texas university chairman technical committee contents introduction brief description background national perspectives current status location area indicators important food situation region production const...

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