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picture1_Agricultural Pdf 213150 | 100016708

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File: Agricultural Pdf 213150 | 100016708
cbse notes class 10 social science geography chapter 4 agriculture two thirds of india s population is engaged in agricultural activities agriculture is a primary activity which produces most of ...

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...Cbse notes class social science geography chapter agriculture two thirds of india s population is engaged in agricultural activities a primary activity which produces most the food raw material for various industries you will study about types farming cropping patterns and major crops grown end know how much contributes to national economy employment output cultivation methods depend upon characteristics physical environment technological socio cultural practices varies from subsistence commercial type different parts following systems are practised primitive it slash burn farmers clear patch land produce cereals other when soil fertility decreases shift fresh known by names country as jhumming north eastern states productivity low this depends on monsoon few intensive areas high pressure labour where doses biochemical inputs irrigation used higher production uses modern such yielding variety hyv seeds chemical fertilisers insecticides pesticides obtain plantation single crop large are...

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