File: Agricultural Pdf 213143 | Bscag Course Final Revised 2016 1 Min
courses of studies of b sc honours agriculture programme purbanchal university faculty of science and technology revised in 2016 page 1 bachelor of science honours in agriculture under the 4 ...
Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Courses of studies b sc honours agriculture programme purbanchal university faculty science and technology revised in page bachelor under the year students are engaged pro ject works starting from third semester besides laboratory practical provided with choices following elective seventh sustainable horticulture plant breeding protection animal soil agricultural economics business management development will have to undergo field based internship last prepare a thesis on research is meant for broadening vision student as well imparting knowledge relation his her subject such arrangements made various agro industries farms private ngos operating ecological conditions teaching approach medium instruction english all test ex aminations conducted academic calendar examination run system new session starts st septem ber one internal assessment each before ap pearing final would also include types assignments eligibility admission having at least percent second division overall score or equ...