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picture1_Agricultural Pdf 213082 | 474 Item Download 2023-02-15 22-43-14

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File: Agricultural Pdf 213082 | 474 Item Download 2023-02-15 22-43-14
future farming systems and farm design santiago lopez ridaura and bruno gerard 1 international maize and wheat improvement center cimmyt sustainable intensification program apdo postal 6 641 06600 mexico d ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...Future farming systems and farm design santiago lopez ridaura bruno gerard international maize wheat improvement center cimmyt sustainable intensification program apdo postal mexico d f s l cgiar org introduction are in constant evolution taking into account the great challenges ahead related to climate other drivers of change e g population pressure resource scarcity market development need constantly adapt alternative technologies policies have been being developed support adaptive productive capacity conditions for example conservation agriculture practices showed important advantages terms use efficiency yield stability variability a wide range agro ecologies jat et al this is one reasons they called smart agricultural csap also beyond agronomy alternatives information services decision novel insurances credit schemes innovations improve adaptation resilience household its resources flows interactions at individual level referred as system dixon smallholder complex because commonly...

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