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picture1_Agriculture Thesis Pdf 213049 | Agriculture Microbiology Manual

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File: Agriculture Thesis Pdf 213049 | Agriculture Microbiology Manual
a practical manual on agriculture microbiology credits 2 1 1 semester ii compiled by dr neeraj assistant professor department of agriculture faculty of science and engineering jharkhand rai university namkum ...

icon picture PDF Filetype PDF | Posted on 15 Feb 2023 | 2 years ago
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...A practical manual on agriculture microbiology credits semester ii compiled by dr neeraj assistant professor department of faculty science and engineering jharkhand rai university namkum sr experiments page no introduction to laboratory its equipments microscope parts principles microscopy resolving power numerical aperture methods sterilization nutritional media their preparations enumeration microbial population in soil bacteria fungi actinomycetes isolation purification cultures rhizobium from legume root nodule azotobacter azospirillum roots bga staining microscopic examination microbes experiment following are the instrument hot air oven for it is used glassware s such as test tubes pipettes petri dishes dry done only liquid substances prepared saline solutions cannot be sterilized they lose water due evaporation at c hours an has thermostat control using which required constant temperature can obtained trial error dial reading approximate exact read introducing thermometer into o...

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